Sérénade lointaine, trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle (1903)
Andante – Allegretto grazioso
Claudia Bara, piano
Tatiana Samouil, violin
Gérard Caussé, alto
Justus Grimm, cello
Vincent Lucas, flute
Frédéric Mellardi,trumpet
From Georges Enesco: Chamber Music1895-1906 (2011)
Released by Indésens
Enesco: Sérénade lointaine, trio pour piano, violon et violoncelle – Andante – Allegretto grazioso
Enesco signed this trio with piano on the November 15th 1903 (the same year as the Suite for Piano in D and the Impromptu concertant for violin and piano) and dedicated it to the King and Queen of Roumania on their anniversary.
Official website