
The Sound of 78s
I remember growing up listening to my grandmother’s gramophone. As a child, the sound always enthralled me, it still does.
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On Being a Pianist
What does it mean to be “a pianist”? Pianists do not devote their lives to their instrument simply because they like music….there has to be a genuine love simply of the mechanics and difficulties of playing, a physical need for
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Is Some Music Just Noise?
Music has directed me since the age of five. As a composer, if I am not pulled towards music it always finds me. No matter what music I hear, I discover something in it that moves me or makes me
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Music: An Unspoken Philosophy
Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of existence and how we human beings behave. It also helps to prepare us for the end of our lives. Music can also offer us an understanding similar to what the study
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Seeking Truth: The Musician’s Authenticity
The word “Authenticity” has a number of meanings and connotations in relation to music and musicians. Since the latter part of the twentieth century, it has been associated with performances using “period” instruments, which attempt to recreate period performance practices
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How to Write a Perfect Biography…?
As listeners, we’re pretty lucky these days: it seems like every second pianist is ‘one of the best pianists of their generation’! That is, according to their biographies.
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Music is Supernatural
When I was researching this article I thought of titling it, Is Music Supernatural? But I’ve always known inside me that music is mystical; my research just confirmed it. One of the problems in talking about music as being supernatural
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The Core Canon
Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 21 in C major, K. 467 (Murray Perahia) The notion of the “canon” of classical music developed about 200 years ago, when the patronage of composers and music by the aristocracy lost its stranglehold on what
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