Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire ― Gustav Mahler A sense of reverence seems to haunt every corner of Classical Music. The artform is considered the very pinnacle of man’s artistic, intellectual and spiritual
“Music is the silence between the notes” Attributed to Debussy and also Mozart “…..the pauses between the notes – ah, that is where the art resides” Artur Schnabel “Music starts in the silence” Stephen Hough, pianist
prodigy ˈprɒdɪdʒi/ noun noun: prodigy; plural noun: prodigies 1. a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities. “a Russian pianist who was a child prodigy in his day” synonyms: child genius, genius, wonder child, wunderkind
After three decades of music making, teaching, and advocating for the arts, my career has been an inspirational calling. As a young musician, I understood the hard work and dedication, which would be required, but I wish someone had prepared
Musicians are a rare breed. I’m the first to admit life with me might be a bit challenging. Being a professional musician isn’t all fun and games. It’s not an avocation, nor a vocation it’s our way of life, our
Often, the point of interest in the music isn’t the melody but what’s going on underneath. I recently attended a performance of Tchaikovsky’s The Nutcracker, but without the dancers, i.e., a full ballet with the orchestra only. It gave an
For those of us who engage in music, as performers and teachers, the classical canon offers an endless source of excitement, thrilling stories and fantasies, portrayed in myriad colours, moods and styles. The desire to play this music and revel
Concert going is a social as well as a cultural activity and one of the great pleasures is the after-concert discussion with friends – and occasionally strangers who linger in the auditorium or foyer – keen to share their thoughts