Moderato (It.) ‘Moderate’, ‘restrained’, e.g. allegro moderato (‘a little slower than allegro ’). adv. & adj. Music (Abbr. mod.) In moderate tempo……. Used chiefly as a direction. ‘Moderato’ is one of those rather ambiguous musical terms, like andante (“at a
There is so much in music that is subjective and open to personal taste and interpretation. In order for us to play convincingly, we have to develop an interpretation that is meaningful TO US vivid in all its details. Unless
How Do Musicians Express Their Emotions through Music? Music is a powerful means of communication, by which people share emotions, intentions, and meanings, and our personal engagement with music, whether in a live concert, listening to a CD or via
How we consume and listen to music has been transformed by digital technology. Where once recorded music was available only on the radio and vinyl LPs, reel-to-reel tape (and later tape cassettes) and CDs, it is now possible to access
American mathematician John Nash gained recognition as a Nobel laureate but became really famous when he was portrayed by Russell Crowe in the hit film ‘A Beautiful Mind’.
The concert pianist cuts a romantic, almost mysterious image: alone on the stage with only a shiny black minotaur of a concert grand for company, the pianist exists in a place other than ours, elevated – both physically and metaphorically
We go to concerts for a variety of reasons: to be moved emotionally, to be entertained, and as a social event. There was a time, prior to the nineteenth century, when engaging with what is now generally called “classical music”
One of the greatest joys (and frustrations!) of being a pianist is the vast and myriad repertoire available for our instrument, from early Baroque wonders to brand-new contemporary fancies. One could spend a lifetime learning only the works of Chopin