
Who Made Classical Music ‘Elitist’?
It’s the 21st century, yet still, still there is this perception that classical music is for a certain demographic that is predominantly white, middle class, monied, cultured and educated (but first and foremost, monied). It’s easy to “prove” this by
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The Philosophy in Music II
The reason there is so little discussion around the philosophy in music is due to music being a non-verbal medium. Instrumental music is abstract because it does not use words to say what it means. However, there are many papers,
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Practice Like an Olympian
2021 is the year of the Tokyo Olympics, that wonderful international celebration of sporting success which can provide inspiration to us all, musicians included. Of course, Olympic triumphs do not come easily, and every medal winning athlete, indeed every participating
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Multi-Tasking Conductors—Commendable or Ineffective?
The headline tantalized— “OSM guest conductor Schiff ‘flies off the handle’ in rehearsals, musicians say. ‘The concertmaster of the Montreal Symphony, Richard Roberts, asserted, ‘I don’t think he [Sir András Schiff] is a professional conductor.’” Apparently, Schiff accused the musicians
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The Philosophy in Music I
The philosophy of music is taught in some schools and universities. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has a wonderful resource on The Philosophy of Music. Philosophy is closely linked to religion; however, I’ve never found music religious, not even religious music.
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Play What You Play Best
“The key is trying to limit yourself to perform only the pieces that will be best for you and the audience. Otherwise, you’re doing everyone—yourself, the composer, and the audience, a huge disservice.” – Richard Goode, concert pianist I’m sure
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Can Music Be Unmusical?
The term unmusical might apply to a person. It can also pertain to a sound deficient in melody, harmony, rhythm or agreeable tone. It may also apply to music that one feels is imperfect, inadequate or even lacking in emotion.
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You Don’t Need “the Knowledge” to Enjoy Classical Music
It always frustrates me to hear people say that they don’t go to concerts because they don’t know enough about classical music. I think my friend Olli Mustonen had the answer to that: “It’s like saying that you won’t walk
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