
2698 Posts
Forgotten Pianists: Artur Schnabel
Austrian pianist Artur Schnabel (1882-1951) became so famous for his recording of the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas that critic Harold C. Schonberg always referred to him as ‘the man who invented Beethoven.’ His performances of both Beethoven and Schubert had
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Critical Ear with Sharpened Pen
‘Just Write. Write Anywhere.’ Norman Lebrecht
Norman Lebrecht Writer, broadcaster and blogger Norman Lebrecht draws an impressive 1.5 million monthly readers to his blog Slipped Disc, well-known throughout the classical music world for being the first to report on the most recent goings on.
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: String Quartet
A quick glance at a list of string quartet ensembles active during the 20th century will give you a serious headache! The sheer number and extraordinary quality of a seemingly endless variety of ensembles, repertoires and styles speaks to the
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How Amateur Orchestral Musicians Should Practice
The sheer prospect of my first orchestra rehearsal terrified me. To calm myself down, I asked a violinist friend for advice. I thought she’d share something about how to play. Instead she said: Pretend you know what you’re doing. You’ll
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Ikutaro Kakehashi (1930-2017)
“Originality and Creativity in the Digital World”
Does the name Ikutaro Kakehashi ring a bell? Well, he was a self-made Japanese engineer who survived malnutrition, tuberculosis and the firebombing of Osaka. A digital music pioneer, he created the Midi (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) technical standard, which describes
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The Day After the Concert…
I don’t perform that frequently – maybe four or five times a year (excluding informal performances and “house concerts” at home) – but I understand the “process” of performing and the necessary and special preparation which goes into a public
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Stingy Olympic Judges
Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games, was raised and educated in the classical tradition. “He was particularly impressed with the idea of what it meant to be a true Olympian, someone who was not only athletic,
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Forgotten Pianists: Ignaz Friedman
The Polish pianist Ignaz Friedman (1882-1948) was considered not just the one of the top but one of the supreme piano virtuosos of his time. As were so many of his contemporaries, he was a child prodigy and he left
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