In April 1782, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart famously wrote to his father, “I suppose that you have heard that the English Bach is dead? What a loss to the musical world!” Johann Christian Bach, known in London circles as John Bach,
Bach J. C.
Johann Christian Bach was one of the leading composers of his day; if you don’t believe me, just ask Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! But the “London Bach” was also known in legal circles, as he brought the first legal action for
Johann Christian Bach (1735-1782) was the youngest of J.S. Bach’s eleven sons and made his career in London, where he was called the “English Bach.” Born when his father was 50 years old, he lived with his older half-brother C.P.E.
Johann Sebastian Bach was part of an extensive Saxon-Thuringian family that produced an unparalleled and almost incalculable number of musicians. From fiddlers and town musicians to organists, from Kantors, court musicians and Kapellmeisters, member of the Bach family extensively populated
III. Sequenz – 1. Coro. Dies irae Lenneke Ruiten, soprano Ruth Sandhoff, alto Colin Balzer, tenor Thomas E.Bauer, bass RIAS Kammerchor Akademie Fur Alte Musik, Berlin Hans-Christoph Rademann, dir. From Missa da Requiem – Miserere Johann Christian Bach (2011) Released