
140 Posts
Mozart’s Musical Journey
3 July 1778: “Mum is dying”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart could not have known that his time in Paris in 1778 was about to take a tragic turn. He reports to his father “my dearest mother is very ill.” Suffering from shivering and feverishness, diarrhea and headache,
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
30 June 1770: “I shall describe my unfortunate accident”
We all know that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart did a lot of traveling. In fact, it has been calculated that he spent over 10 years, roughly one third of his short life on the road. Mozart visited ten countries and more
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Poised on the Cusp of Romanticism
Mozart’s Fantasy in D minor K 397
Familiar to performers, piano students and audiences alike, Mozart’s Fantasy in D minor is one of his most popular and much-loved works, and it offers intriguing insights not only into his piano music but also his compositional output in general.
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
18 June 1783: “Congratulations, you are a grandpapa!”
Between June 1783 and July 1791, Wolfgang and Constanze Mozart had six children, but only two survived infancy. Their first child was conceived shortly after their wedding on 4 August 1782, and Raimund Leopold was born and baptized on 17
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
12 June 1784: “Menzl is, and always will be, an ass”
When Mozart returned to Vienna in late November 1783, he entered into the busiest and most successful years of his life. He performed and conducted a substantial number of his own compositions, and in addition to public performances he was
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
2 June 1763: “The boy alone took up most of the concert”
Every year millions of visitors to the city of Salzburg eagerly make their way to Getreidegasse No. 9. Leopold Mozart and his family lived at that address for 17 years, and famously Wolfgang Amadeus and his sister Nannerl were born
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
25 May 1782: “Concert at the Augarten”
Mozart was incredibly successful in his appearances as a virtuoso at concerts in Vienna. Concerts were traditionally held during Lent, as all the theatres were closed. They were primarily held in private houses belonging to the aristocracy with invitations usually
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
19 May 1789: “Spanking on your little kissable arse”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart married Constanze Weber on 4 August 1782. Their courtship had not been smooth, as the couple briefly broke up in April 1782. Apparently, Constanze had permitted a young man to measure her calves in a parlor game,
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