Georg Philipp Telemann published his collection Der getreue Music-Meister (The Faithful Music Master) in a set of 25 parts between 1728 and 1729. It was like a musical journal with 70 small vocal and instrumental works mostly by Telemann, and
It really is too bad that Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) did not have a large social network following! Throughout his long and industrious career, he wrote well over 3000 works. It’s no surprise that 18th-century critics unanimously considered him among
A self-taught musical genius! It seems hard to believe, but during the first quarter of the 18th century, Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767) was considered the greatest living composer besides George Friedrich Handel! While he was historically eclipsed by J. S.
“Minors of the Majors” invites you to discover compositions by the great classical composers that for one reason or another have not reached the musical mainstream. Please enjoy, and keep listening!
Georg Philipp Telemann TELEMANN, G.P.: Pimpinone [Opera] (1725) For one reason or another, scholarship has been unable to ascertain the exact number of children sired by Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767). This numerical uncertainly—not all together uncommon in the history of
Concerto for 3 Violins in F major, Allegro Freiburger Barockorchester, Early music ensemble From Telemann: La Musique de Table (2010) Released by Harmonia Mundi Telemann: Concerto for 3 Violins in F major, Allegro The most prolific composer of his time,